And as I sat in pious meditation, listening
To the thoughts of the Universe, caught I was in a trance-
I saw the sun in her beauty pristine, softly glowing
As the flowers stretched to touch be face,
And men beach-bound basked merrily in ethereal rays;
But then something happened:
The Moon, Master of the Night appeared in the sky
And like a tombstone rolled in front of the sun;
Blinding God's eye; chaos!
The flowers like flaccid breasts drooped
And the children of men like troubled ants scattered as fear gripped their souls.
I watched in awe as Darkness stole Nature's beauty,
As Darkness made cowards of brave men.
It was at this point that a spectre,
Like smoke came forth from my nostrils;
Like a genie from a lamp it rose-
It was Khalil...
And like a genie from a lamp he spoke, I know this
'Cause I have a genie in a lamp. "Greetings", he said, "Greetings".
Troubled by my vision, athirst for knowledge, I asked,
"Khalil, speak to me of Darkness, and how I may abolish it".
Unmoved by my impatience, he spoke,
"He who seeks to abolish Darkness has
within him the Source of Darkness,
For he is like one who tries to fight the
Verily, is he not a part of the wind?
For the wind abides in his lungs, and he
in the wind.
He who fears Darkness fears himself,
For in Darkess are his deepest desires
brought to Light.
He who fears Darkness fears the Light,
For what is Light but Darkness unveiled?
Darkness can be likened to an egg, and
Light the yolk;
He who breaks the egg kills the chick.
To abolish Darkness is to abolish Light,
And to abolish Light is to abolish Life,
Son of Man, even the Creator wallowed
in Darkness
Before He called forth Light;
Why seek you to abolish life?
Defeated, disoriented, desperate
For the abolishment of Darkness I shrieked,
"Khalil, Khalil, is Darkness not the Father of evil,yea, the birthplace
Of all wickedness?"
With a sigh, he spoke,
"The Godson entered this world
through the gates of Darkness
But was murdered in the Light of Day,
Darkness was the midwife at the
birthing of salvation on the cross,
For only in the Dark did the Godson
offer His sacrifice;
Much good has been birthed in Darkness.
Of all the wars that have been fought,
how many
Were fought in Darkness?
Is Light not needed for evil to see?
Even the evil that is perpetrated in the
Dark, can only be wrought
Upon the banishment of Darkness;
Will the robber rob without his flashlight?
Or the assassin without his night vision sniper?
Darkness is the birthplace of good,
For in Darkness do men dream dreams
that propel them
To do great things.
Can the eye see without the pupil,
Or the Moon shine without the Night?
I have said before, Darkness is the
birthplace of good;
Teach all men of this Truth"
...And so I took a deep breath, and
Khalil with it.
Then NEPA took the light;
I smiled.
nice one